
Decoding Hallucinations: Navigating Missteps in Physics Exams

In both high school physics exams and the realm of artificial intelligence, "hallucinations"—instances where fabricated answers are provided—are a common occurrence. This document explores the intriguing comparison between students "hallucinating" answers in physics exams and large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT generating incorrect responses. We will delve into the factors contributing to these errors, their negative consequences, and provide targeted advice to help students and educators mitigate these missteps, ensuring a stronger grasp of physics concepts and more accurate responses. Architectural/Design Angles Aspect Students 'Hallucinating' Answers LLMs 'Hallucinating' Answers Knowledge Base Students rely on their memory and prior knowledge, which may be incomplete or incorrect. LLMs rely on vast amounts of training data, which includes both correct and incorrect information. Processing Mechanism Students use cognitive processes to recall

TYS Anywhere, Anytime!

If your logic is "I need to schedule/find a two hour slot to study", then you are most likely have the following troubles: It's hard to find such 2-hour slots! There are simply more shorter pockets of time, such as a 30-min slot between classes, 45-min on commute, 1 hour before tuition etc than a 2-hour slot It's also hard to get started on a long studying session! We are more likely to put off more difficult things. Those quality slots should be left for other types of revision, such as write a GP essay or do a timed-practice for P2 or P3. Hence, I am of the opinion, you should change your mindset if the above sort of resembles your inner thoughts. Instead, try to make good use of pockets of time here and there, do easier tasks that you don't resist so much. This way, you can get more work done overall! I have created this " TYS Anytime " series of Google-Form H2 Physics Paper 1 as an experiment, to help you get productive with your time/revision. As a

Core Ideas in H2 Physics 9749

H2 Physics Core Ideas Physics is all about understanding the world around us, from tiny particles to huge galaxies and from lightning-fast events to slow cosmic changes. We can make sense of it all by focusing on a few big ideas that help us connect different parts of physics. 1. Systems and How Things Interact Imagine everything in the universe as systems – groups of objects that can interact with each other and their surroundings. Defining Systems : To understand something, we need to define what it is and what's around it. Objects vs. Systems : Sometimes we treat things as simple objects, while other times we look inside and see their complex parts. Interactions Matter : Things happen because objects in a system interact with each other and their environment. Cause and Effect : We can figure out why things happen by studying the connections between objects. Forces and Fields : We use forces to explain how objects interact when they touch. For distant interactions, we talk about

Understanding Procrastination and Five Proven Strategies to Overcome It

Procrastination is a universal challenge that can hinder productivity, increase stress levels, and lead to missed opportunities. However, there is hope. Drawing on the work of experts like Timothy A. Pychyl, Piers Steel, Adam Grant, and Mel Robbins, as well as other prominent figures in psychology, we'll explore what procrastination is and provide actionable and proven ways to overcome it. Understanding Procrastination Procrastination is essentially the act of delaying tasks or decisions, often for no valid reason. It's important to note that procrastination isn't simply laziness; it's a complex psychological behavior with underlying causes. Here's a breakdown of some common reasons behind procrastination: 1. Task Aversion: You might procrastinate if a task feels unpleasant, difficult, or overwhelming. This aversion can stem from fear of failure, lack of confidence, or a simple dislike for the task. 2. Temporal Discounting: This concept explains our tendency to deva